Novel nanoproducts for long term remission of immune-mediated disorders
Our mission: Instead of the standard broadly suppressive agents, our proprietary nanoparticles are designed to target specific immune cells and reprogram them to reverse and ultimately prevent immune-mediated diseases.

What makes us different?
In subjects with an active disease, our therapeutic nanoparticles target immune cells in lymphoid tissue, restores their ability to silence disease causing cells, and locally provides the therapeutics to terminate disease activity.
In subjects highly susceptible to a disease, our nanoparticles will induce sufficient numbers of protective immune cells to prevent the onset of disease. Because of the high local concentration of therapeutic agents, our nanoproducts will not only greatly enhance their efficacy, but also reduce their adverse side effects and cost.
Lymphosite Clusters before and after treatment with nanoparticles.
Proprietary nanoparticles (NPs) are formulated to attach to specific T cells in lymphoid clusters. These NPs are loaded with growth factors that induce existing Tregs to proliferate and induce undifferentiated cells to become Tregs.
In healthy individuals protective Tregs silence the rare self-reactive T cells in lymphoid clusters. In subjects with autoimmune diseases, pathologic T cells multiply and become predominant.
Our Therapeutic NPs reset the immune system and restores Treg predominance to terminate disease activity. Repeated doses of NPs will maintain disease remission.

“Creating novel nanoproducts for long term remission of immune-mediated disorders is the next frontier in treating autoimmune diseases”
Dr. David Horwitz
Pioneer of Strategies to Cure Immune-Related Disorders by Repairing Immune Regulation